WaterLily Dreamin'

Jewelry Design


by Lin Taylor

WaterLily Dreamin' offers quality, hand made, original design, one of a kind jewelry. 
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It's been alsmot a year since I last posted a blog.  Why?  Well, lets see here.  First there was the holidays, which means markets.  Then, at the end of January, I retired from my day job.  That was emotional and caused me to search for my identiy.  Who was I now that I didn't posse.ss a title under someone else's venture?  After that, my sister passed.  That hit me harder than I thought it would.  She was my last surviving sibling.  After that, my daughter went through a relationship issue and ended up moving in with me.  That meant major purging and reorganization to make room for her in my home, which prior was occupied by me, my business and my pets (2 kitties).  What I need is another room to be my studio.  I didn't realize how I'd spread my business out around the house.  I only pray that there are no more major life changes.  


All that didn't stop me from creating, though.  I've found that when I don't create, people stop liking me because I become crabby, lol.  Yes, my polymer clay journey didn;t miss a step.  I really think that's what separates a hobyist from an artist.  Both can make things, but the ones who have a drive to and must or suffer are artists.  Hobyists look for the next trend, buy supplies, make it and post about it, maybe selling it.  Some crafters call it  a hobby.  Both artists and hobbyists can make a business out of it.  I did so mostly to be accountable for my sales.  I sell a good amount of what I make, but my inventory grows at a faster pace than my sales.  My inventory is a journal of my jewelry making journey.


My current challenge is the technical stuff.  Website, social media, email list, SEO, adds, photos and videos, marketing online, etc., etc, etc.  It's like a mountain of mud for me and it should've been move yesterday.  Still I chip away at it.  The learning curve is steep and the number of people online who claim they can cure all my ills is endless.  The amount of small business people crying about how they were scammed is also endless.  So, who do you trust?  I'm trying to learn it all and do it myself, which admittedly is probably a prescription for insanity.  Still I trudge on.  I've asked a family member who is apt at these things, but you know how that goes.  I understand.  They are making a living, too.  


So what's your experience?  Any advise?  I'd love to hear from you.


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