WaterLily Dreamin Blog Post #1
Happy Autumn. I love Fall. The colors that warm your heart while your nose is cold. The smell of burning leaves. Halloween is dead ahead and all the little kids are telling their parents what they want to be. Fall stirs thoughts of decorating the home, carving a pumpkin,, designing the Thanksgiving feast and preparing to shop for loved ones Christmas presents. All of these things make us a community and we create this lovely reality that we all share. When it comes together that's that feeling of satisfaction. There is something about a human creating a thing from other things that pleases God. I am certain of it. It's that feeling one gets when you look at the work of your hands and you smile and say, "That's it!". It's like the satisfaction of hitting a bullseye. People are driven by all sorts of things in life, i.e.; money, power, glory, recognition. Of all the things that have driven me, none other than creating art have given me that feeling of pleasing God. It's a satisfaction like I'm fulfilling my purpose on earth. I call everything I make art. I always have. Some people call themselves crafters. I think we're all artists in one way or another. Why should only the ones who work with paint, pencil or pen get all the glory? Michelangelo modeled figures in marble. He was surely an artist. I suppose the difference between a crafter and an artist might be one creates from directions or a pattern and one creates from ideas bubling up out of their hearts. I think learning a skill and then letting your art flow through it is the key to being an artist. Otherwise we'd be like parrots, copying what other artists create. Skills mastered are like arrows in your quiver. An artist knows which arrow to use and when to use it. So go ahead and make a bullseye!